Monday, December 03, 2012

BruOnz 2013

Assalamualaikum and hello! How’s everyone? How’s the holidays? I hope it has been a good break for all so far. For those who are unaware, the BruONZ summer games will be coming soon and Sydney will be the host this year. 

This means a lot of things and ultimately a lot of work. The BASS committee will appreciate all the help that we can get with managing the sport events and lastly the appreciation dinner. Keep in mind that the events will commence around the second week of JANUARY so organization is key as there is only 5 weeks left from now for practice.

So here are a few things to start off with which requires assistance:-

1. New sports and old sports
Netball, futsal, badminton and basketball are the confirmed sports.
Three more events suggested are:-
• Track and Field
• Bowling
• Ultimate Frisbee

We REALLY need your responses for the three tentative sports- we will set up a voting system which will start Monday, 3rd until Sunday, 9th December 2012. Scores will be tallied up and the committee will decide which sport(s) to bring in. 
Other than badminton, all the sports will have a limit of two teams from each state. Collectively, all the Sydney-siders (including seniors, juniors, superjuniors, super super juniors (ITB batch), alumnis) will make up a large group so it is up those who are interested to get together for practice. 

2. The BASS shirt competition
In order to get into the spirit of the summer games, we decided to hold a jersey designing competition within the BASS society. The design must integrate the existing BASS logo and whatever concept which is appropriate. The design will be used for both men and women jerseys. 

The competition will be held for a week starting from Monday, 3rd until Sunday, 9th December 2012. Sketch submissions can be sent to There will be no prizes for this, recognition and having bragging rights in having the Sydney-siders wearing your concept should suffice right? :) 

(P.S: There will be the option of having long sleeves or short sleeves made available.)

3. The focal points
Since some will be working, going overseas, etc, it will be difficult to get in touch with everyone. Thus we have assigned focal points for each sport so the committee can easily get updates from these people. Please tell us in advance if you are unavailable for these positions. 

Senior Junior Superjunior
Netball Ain Bakar Peejah Azimah
Futsal Bukhari Nashakim
Badminton Anas Hafiz
Basketball Kwang, Chris 

Any new information concerning with the BruONZ games will be posted on the BASS facebook, BruONZ or bassbox.blogspot so always be aware of updates. In addition to that, please do get in touch with the super, super juniors (ITB batch) and do invite them to play as future Sydney siders and make them feel welcomed.

4. The appreciation dinner performance 
The concept will be Brunei + State Ethnic Performance. State referring to Sydney or Australia as a whole. The performance must be a fusion between Brunei and the place you study so it can be a short sketch, a pre-recorded video, dance, singing, etc – so long as it is APPROPRIATE and good clean fun. 

The performance should be around 6 minutes long. I would like to have someone in-charge who has enough creative energy and organization skills to make this happen. But of course it is a team effort and the committee is excited to hear the suggestions you guys can come up with. 


We know this is a lot to be digested and you guys have other priorities too. However, we all have the obligation to show the other states what we can do. We can win this years games and we can make this summer ours (insyAllah). So what are we waiting for??? ☺

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Assalamualaikum warahmatullah dan HAI!!!!

Selamat Hari Raya AidilFitri Maaf Zahir Dan Batin diucapkan kepada semua keluarga BASS
Taqabbalallahu Minna Wa Minkum
Wahai Sahabat - Sahabat ku semua.

Ini ialah Puan Presiden kita, Nadiah Yaani atau lebih dikenali dengan nama timangan beliau, NADINE.
Nampaknya beliau sibuk ketika beliau digambar.  Tapi boleh jadi beliau ketika itu merasa sangat EMO sehinggakan sanggup untu bermain dengan pisau tersebut?? hehe.

Some of the BASS's sisters semangat berhari raya.

Ketua Majlis Ugama kita, Abdul Anas
membuka majlis Hari Raya bagi tahun 2012 dengan Surah Al Fatihah dan  doa makan.
P.S: yang baju biru atu namanya Rafiz, Junior yang baru sampai. Hehe.



Kuih -kuih Raya hasil buatan pelajar-pelajar di Sydney sendiri. Alhamdulillah seorang-seorang pandai membuat kuih ani. Bini-bininya boleh sudah mencari laki kali, same goes to the guys. hehe. 



Popia Ubi + Katam
Mashed Potato

Lawa eyh gambar ani. Ukannya urg dalam gambar ani. Writing dibelakang ah. Hahha.
Nada la. Hehe

Puan Presiden, Nadine, Kayden dan Tuan Vice Presiden, Adrian

LAWA~~~~ =P
Sempena Hari Raya
Keluarga BASS dibahagi kepada 5 kumpulan.
Ada 3 aktiviti yang diadakan:-
1. Guess the raya songs: dimana 5 petikan lagu raya disatukan dan para peserta diminta meneka susunan lagu dengan betul. Nampaknya semua pakar meneka!!!
2. Kenali Negara Kitani: basically seorang dari setiap kumpulan hendaklah menjawab soalan yang diajukan dengan betul. 2 soalan akan ditanya dan hanya 2 orang yang akan selamat. Manakala 3 orang yang kalah tadi akan didenda dengan memakan begedel yang dibuat khas bagi mereka. Ada 3 jenis begedel iaitu begedel with MUSTARD/WASABI/TOMATO.
3. Masterchef Competition: Hanya 2 kumpulan dengan markah tertinggi akan bertanding dalam kategori ini. Mereka diminta untuk memasak indomee dan telur dalam masa 15 minit. Keputusan dibuat dengan melihat kecantikkan susunan makanan yang disediakan, kebersihan tempat memasakkan dan kesedapan makanan tersebut.

Kumpulan No 5

Kumpulan No 4

Kumpulan No 3 starts from the girl with maroon tudung (Fira) to the back

Kumpulan No 1

Kumpulan No 2
Pemenangan yang masuk kedalam peringkat terakhir ialah Kumpulan No 1 dan No 2 

Masakan daripada Kumpulan No 1.....

Masakan dari Kumpulan No 2....


Juri Rasa kita (Ka Fizah bersama Suami) merasa masakkan yang telah disediakan oleh para peserta kita.
Masakkan kumpulan manakah yang dapat menambat hati para juri kitani?

Puan Secretary, Azimah aka JJ dan Puan Bendahari, Nabilah aka Nab
ISKI berabis kan membagi hadiah kepada pemenang.


Adrian giving his "sexy" smirk on you guys. =P
Although (I know) that some of us couldn't make it to this event due to personal problems, WE UNDERSTAND!
and guess what? You guys missed a lot. Hehe. NADA LA. You're MISSED especially by the BASS COMMITTEES!
PCE Intake 2009/10

PCE Intake 2010/11

PCE Intake 2011/12


Salam and hello everyone,

i would like to Thank everyone for today event and thank you everyone for supporting . Without all of you, the event wouldn't be a success. We hope that everyone enjoy our Raya Gathering today. i would also like to take this opportunity to apologise for making some of you to eat the nyaman 'Begedil'. Sorry for that :)

Eid Mubarak to all. Forgive us if theres anything that we did wrong in the past and future.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin.

Assalamualaikum semua.

Like what Adrian had said just now. Kami banar2 beterima kasih atas kehadiran kaka-kaka, abang-abang dan adik-adik untuk menyambut hari raya bersama-sama. Alhamdulillah Allah permudahkan tadi event kitani atu, tapi macam biasa la mesti ada-ada saja yang kan ditagur. Tapi nada papa la sal aku iski berabis sampai aku hilang suara. haha. 

Minta maaf tadi kalau ada terkasar bahasa, menagur nda tentu arah sampai menyinggung perasaan kamu, teriak-teriak membagi announcements atu (kamu jua bah payah kan mendangar. hhaha nada la JK), harap semua salah silap atu maafkanlah. Tapi inShaAllah kalau kamu rasa activity tadi atu siuk sila la bagi feedback cadangan mana lah tau ada idea yang lebih bagus lagi. hehe. 

Jazakumullah khairan kathira semua, withot you guys we (the BASS committees) are NOTHING! may Allah bless and reward us HIS JANNAH. Amin



Sembahyang Hari Raya Aidilfitri

Assalamualaikum waramatullah semua.

Bruneians yang hadir untuk Solat Eid-ul Fitr.. *sedih*

Former IT: YUSRI
Vain kali ah jangan kamu nda galat. =P

Sisters who came for solat. 

LOL eyh gambar ani like seriously. HAHA nda betantu.



Sorry aku malas kan buat panjang-panjang lagi. hehe.
See ya guys around.



Monday, June 04, 2012

Solat Hajat + End Semester 1 gathering + Farewell

Asalamualaikum W.B.T /Hello

A: Solat Hajat

Memandangkan pelajar-pelajar di bawah BASS akan menduduki peperiksaan akhir semester 1, 2012, maka sebagai salah satu insiatif utama kita bagi mendapat kejayaan dan mendapat berkah dengan ilmu-ilmu yang kita pelajari, dalami dan ketahui ialah dengan memohon keberkataan dan petunjuk dari Ilahi. Semoga apa yang kita pelajari selama ini dapat bermanfat bukan sahaja bagi diri kita, bahkan bagi ugama, Negara dan Bangsa yang tercinta.

Maka seperti tahun-tahun sebelum ini, adalah menjadi kebiasaan bagi warga BASS untuk mengadakan Sembahyang Hajat beramai-ramai. Majlis Sembahyang Hajat warga BASS akan diadakan selepas Sembahyang Maghrib berjemaah dan juga akan diteruskan dengan membaca Surah Yaasin beramai-ramai. Details bagi majlis tersebut adalah seperti berikut:

Date: 07th June 2012 (Khamis)
Time: 05:00 pm
Location:       Male : Yusri/Kevin/Adrian apartment
                 Female : Bel/Nab/Ain apartment

Maka dengan ini dijemput semua warga BASS yang beragama Islam bagi menghadirkan diri ke Majlis tersebut dan sila bawa Sejadah dan juga buku Surah Yaasin bersama.

Disertakan: Doa-doa sebelum peperiksaan

B: End of semester 1 gathering + Farewell for 4th Year students

There will be also a small potluck gathering for all BASS members before we sit for the exam and a farewell to say good bye to Hilmi, Adid, Amal, Aliya, Nisa and Beeting  . The details are as follows:

Date: 07th June 2012 (Thursday)
Time: 07:00 pm
Location: To be confirmed

As usual, it is a potluck gathering, so please feel free to post foods and drinks you plan to bring on that night...

Please do come and lets have a fun before the exams :)

Bass Committee 2011/2012

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Congratulations on completing your Masters!!! What an amazing accomplishment! 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pizza Night Gathering


It is just a 3rd week of our uni,but do you guys fell tired with your assignments, thesis or tutorials already? or do you have class which starts at 8pm Monday to Wednesday each week? it must be tiring right....

I know, student life isn't that good to some students especially to those who are taking 4 courses each semester...:)

anyway...We are going to have a pizza night gathering on this Friday night... myb with some board (/bored) games as well...

All of you are invited to come... N RSVP is a MUST for this event since we are going to order boxes of pizza according to no. of people who attend the gathering...The details are as follows

Date: Friday night - 16th Mach 2012r
Time: 0700pm onwards
location: Old Tote, UNSW

As for the payment, we will divide the cost of pizza equally, so please bring your money as well on that night... hehe..

but the good news is that, drinks would be sponsored using our BASS fund..

n if you want to bring other finger foods, it is more than welcome and appreciated...

so Pls don't forget to RSVP and see ya there :)


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Graduation day for 3 chemical Students

Dear Albert, Sylvester and Wei-Wei,

Today becomes a special day 
When you are truly on your way 
To gather all the knowledge gained 
Each moment spent so wisely framed 
We wish you luck in all you do 
With all that's good and right for you
To seize the day with all it's power 
Accomplishments of all the hours 
Each day a new road that you see 
To bring you knowledge constantly 
Know that you have done your best 
Proud that you have reached your quest 
So on this day of perfect light 
We see the glow so very bright 
And there's a world for you to see 
A place that holds you sacredly

Congratulations and we are so proud of you and your achievements!