Friday, April 01, 2016

Appreciation Night for superBASS committee 2015/16

Assalamualaikum BASS members and alumni,

On 29th March 2016, Alhamdulillah, an appreciation event was organised to recognise the contribution and dedication of the previous committee members. The 9-members committee led by Nabilah Nipah was a group of people that is worthy of an appreciation.

Serving BASS voluntarily without asking anything in return, ensuring everyone's welfare is protected and on top of that, academic responsibilities, might give them a huge burden to bear for the past year but they did their jobs magnificently. Not everyone is perfect but they and the rest of the rest of the seniors are the people that we look up now.

President - Nabilah Nipah
Vice-President - Muqsith Yahya
Secretary - Nisa Nadzirah
Treasurer - Aziidah Jofri
Male Religious Officer - Faiz Anuar
Female Religious Officer - Ajeerah Julaini
Public Relations Officer -Zakiah Suhaili
IT Support - Ervin Chung
Logistics Officer - Firdaus Omarali

(Not sure if we were having an appreciation event or walimatul urus? hehehe)
(Current President and Vice-President - this was our first event!)
(Thank you to everyone who brought food that night! Everyone's graciousness to contribute for the potluck event was really something to be thankful for.)

At the same event, appreciation certificates were also presented to attendees who were present for Brunei Darussalam's 32nd National Day Celebration at Canberra, Australia in February. The Brunei High Commission was really impressed with your performance and willingness to travel to Canberra just to celebrate the auspicious day for our beloved country, Brunei Darussalam.

From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU EVERYONE!

- BASS committee 2016/17