Monday, February 26, 2007

State of Sydney Report #1

My fellow comrades,
The decline of interest rates has made prices of goods and property surge in Sydney. The situation is critical,

From the general view of Bruneian spending, here are the list of price changes:

Houses- A$160/week Average (Up from $140/week -2004 Kingsford prices)
From our Researcher- Property Division, Nazurah, the kingsford area is currently facing an extreme shortage of accomodation. She attributes this to the growing number of international student intake a year, most noticeably Malaysians, who drove in their hundreds and took a lot. The fact that the arrival new Shell intake has delayed by nearly two weeks (problems with MoE approval), will mean that the new students will defintiely suffer. Fuzzy is a postgraduate who has arrived here last week has already felt the pinch of the house shortages. When interviewed, Fuzzy commented:


The housing situation is critical. As a recommendation, the government and shell (as a shareholder) should purchase the Four Seasons Hotel in Circular Quay and convert it as the Bruneian Hall.

Bus Fare- $2.90 One way (Up from $2.60 - 2004)
This is absolutely ridiculous. $2.90 can get you a house insurance already.

In 2006, John Howard passed the 'Voluntary Student Unionism' (VSU) bill. This in effect would mean that students do not have to pay for the previously compulsory union fees. This meant that the student's union (an independant organisation) collapsed and hence their services, which includes subsidized food in campus went along with it as well. As a result, we're paying more for already ridiculously expensive food. (Union food was expensive as well!)

Banana - $2.99/kg (Down from $13.99/kg-2006, Up from $2.49/kg-2004)The hurricane in Darwin has left a devastated effect on the region and the supplies of banananas. This shot the price of banananas up to almost $14/kg, however the region is recuperating, supplies are coming in and the banana price has dropped. However, it's still 50cents higher than 2 years ago.

This is just a small list of the price increase that are hitting Sydney. It is recommended that you be very loaded to study here. For sponsored students, you are screwed.

The economic status will be set to:


Part-Time Chief Economist
Full time Engineering student


dauz said...

oh.. by the way, housings are not AUD160 per week now. It's at least AUD180.. daymmnnn..

Dib said...

More like status homeless and busking