Saturday, July 28, 2007

9 September 2007

Hi guys,

As some of you may have heard, HM has agreed to have a short meet-and-greet session with us during his APEC trip here in Sydney. It has been confirmed that it'll be held on the afternoon of (read the title of the blog).

I'll update you all of the arrangements for that day once everything has been finalized..BTW, this j.ziarah is for ALL BRUNEIANS IN SYDNEY. Inda kira student kah inservice kah baru graduate kah..asalkan namanya rakyat brunei and ur residing in syd, bah ur invited. =D

Oh,before i forget, please please please complete the student form that I emailed you all before winter break. Once you've completed it, don't forget to SEND it back to this email: Thanks a lot~~~


1 comment:

dauz said...

when is it held again?