Saturday, November 24, 2007


As of November 23rd, Hadee Yusfadillah will be appointed new admin of bass-box. He's got the option of appointing a co-admin for this site, up to him. Hadee has shown me a bright vision for bass box website and i spare no hesitation in picking him as the new admin. Any objections are welcomed and will be funneled back into your ass.

Aside from designing, Hadee also enjoys harassing sea gulls

Hadee, check your blogspot dashboard.. those admin previleges should be kicking in soon. and congratulations!

Theres also a need for positions on Funding officer and as well as Treasurer for bass (with a lot more positions to come.. in which it will form the skeleton for a main committee). I'll discuss the scope of responsibility with the seniors and offer those positions to anyone soon!

In the meantime, havea nice holiday,

Aruba~ jamaica~ UUuu i wanna take ya~



AmalM said...

Congratulations Hadee...=)

Unknown said...

And so the emperor strikes!

Airul said...

silence darth yazidius.. you dont want to give away too much of the dark plans..

dauz said...

hmm?? i thought it was waznah's power to grant the next admin since she's the current admin.. airul, are you bored in Brunei? go have fun..

Airul said...

haha, yah, shaddap, im bored at some times. theres only so many hours i can stand strolling down the streets of kiulap or gadong.

hadee has already designed a layout and a fresh look for the bass site, which, it is in need of. Aside from Salwa (a possible co admin), hadee makes himself pretty much well known for some degree of competency in HTML.

It's a case of lock set and ready to go and waiting to announce it. It second nature to announce these changes immediately, no?

Since i still have those admin privileges in my dashboard, setting hadee as admin its as easy as clicking in the box next to hadee's name. So what should i, or waznah, be waiting for? it only takes 5 seconds.

sulhi said...

hahaha viva la airul~.. sigh.. so we DO have a 'president' =PPPP

dauz said...

wow.. what would i ever do without you airul? clicking is so hard that you have to tell me how to do it.. hahahahaha..

as you can see i am bored too..

Airul said...

whoa whoa whoaaaaa, whats with the "we have a 'president'" reaction here.

All i wanted was a new template for the site, you yourself was eager about the change yourself (as i recall when you were the one who told hadee you wanted a 'draft' from him over the weekned, a month ago), were you not?

Yes dauz, what will we ever ever do without me, we complain when nothing happens, but we criticise when we get things going. God Bless Airul, god bless America.

sulhi said...

can't Waznah fix it? just give the template to Waznah and she should be capable of uploading it, no?

damn right i was excited with the new template. but in no way i can agree appointing someone with your well-known power in BASS without the consent of the other admin, Waznah.

Airul said...

However, one crime i am most guilty of committing and should be incarcerated for it is not informing waznah about it.

Sorry, i got too damn excited about the template that i just had to spur it out!

Airul said...

and you, need to chill out. Because its not a big deal.

Anonymous said...


u u u uuuuu

klaie klaie klaieeeeee... =p nyehhhh......

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