Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Solat Aidilifitri 2

Assalamualaikum everyone,

Just want to inform you guys that there will be another Solat Aidilfitri Jemaah held at

Below are the agenda lined up for the event:

7:15 a.m.- Takbir
7:45 a.m.- Solat Aidilfitri jemaah
8:00 a.m.- Khutbah by Sheikh Fidea Almajzoub
8:15 a.m.- Mingling session

Hope to see you guys there tomorrow.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Maaf Zahir Batin!

Solat AidilFitri

Assalamualaikum to the Sydneysiders (yang inda balik Brunei this raya),

Thought I share with you all this info.

Tarikh : 1 Syawal 1429H
Masa : 7.00 pagi
Tempat : Dewan Malaysia Sydney (DMS)
Aturcara :

6.30 pagi : Takbir raya
7.30 pagi : Solat sunat dan khutbah
8.15 pagi : Jamuan ringan dan bersurai

There will also be an Eid Festival on 5th Oct, Sunday at Auburn Public School, Auburn Rd. For more infp, do visit http://eidfestival.com.au/.


Liyana, Abdul Hakeem, Ayesha & Saffiya

Aidilfitri 1429H /2008M

Allahuakhbar, Allahuakhbar, Allahuakhbar..Wallilah Ilham..

Assalamualaikum ladies and gentlemen,

Sudah almost sebulan kitani berpuasa (inda terasa ah?), menahan lapar, dahaga, kurik2 idung and segala perkara-perkara yg membatalkan puasa disamping mengambil opportunity untuk memperbanyakkan lagi ibadah (well, some of us). Tahun ani lagi, getting through the month is even more challenging with assignments, thesis and tests masing2.

Kini tiba time nya for kitani semua yg stay in Sydney untuk merayakan atau men-celebrate hari yg mulia, Hari Raya Idul Fitri. Walaupun kitani away from tanahair, put on your cara Melayu or baju kurung, mari kitani gather-gather, pesta Hari Raya! We can make it as good as in Brunei.

Venue: Yummyfish’s residence: 1/ 69, Forsyth Street, KingfordS (rumah Yamin aka Yamin and Hafiz aka Abib).

Bila: Rabu, 1 Syawal 1429 bersamaan dengan 1st September 2008 at 12 pm.

Kepada lelaki yg berumur 18 tahun and above, marilah kitani sama-sama bertakbir Hari Raya untuk membagi lagi feel pesta ani.

Mari kitani sama-sama bring out a feast untuk dinikmati. For those who lost weight, it’s time to gain it back and for those who gained, gain-kan lagi. So, please, just post, apa yg kamu mau bawa in the comment box to avoid conflict makanan.

And lastly,

Di Sydney kitani berada,

Jauh di mata ibu bapa,

Siapa kata kitani inda bulih berpesta,

Arah Yummyfish, meraikan Hari Raya.

Daging rendang, ayam panggang,

Kek batik, kek roll,

Makanan atas meja siap dihidang,

Nyum, nyum, nyum, nyum, LOL!

Banarnya kami out of rhyme sudah ni.

Basically kami ingin mengucapkan,

Selamat Hari Aidilfitri,

Maaf Zahir dan Batan.



Sekian, harap maklum.


Tuan Rumah...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Majlis Bersungkai 2


Just want to inform you guys that Petroleum Engineers are organising the Iftar on the 25th September at Squarehouse, UNSW. Therefore, if you want to bring any food, please bring on that day. Another way to contribute is to give money to any of the third year student or you can give directly to Samer, Fatme and Mafaz. If you are not doing anything, you can pray that the food will be good and people eating will think that Petroleum Engineers can also cook, other than drilling. Haha LAME...


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Majlis Bersungkai.

Sempena bulan mulia ini, marilah kitani bersama-sama mengadakan majis tahlil, sembahyang berjemaah dan diselajurkan dengan majlis bersungkai bagi memeriahkan lagi bulan Ramadhan ini. Acara tersebut akan diadakan pada

Hari Sabtu, 20hb September 2008

Jam: 5 petang,

Bertempat di:
Kediaman Nisah, Izah & Wani (Tahlil & Sembahyang maghrib berjemaah)

& kediaman Majdi, Fadhli & Bo Jun (Majlis bersungkai).

Adalah dimaklumkan kepada abiskita untuk membawa tikar sembahyang dan buku Yaasin masing-masing. Penyungkaian adalah sumbangan daripada abiskita yang akan hadir pada majlis tersebut. Untuk makluman semua, Tuan-Tuan dan Puan-Puan rumah akan menyediakan nasi putih. Bagi sesiapa yang bermurah hati untuk membawa bermacam jenis lauk-pauk bagi hidangan utama adalah di alu-alukan. Makanan sampingan juga adalah sangat-sangat di alu-alukan terutamanya ‘dessert’.

Kurma, minuman, kudut, sudu, garpu dan galas plastik adalah menjadi kemestian. Di minta kepada sesiapa yang bermurah hati lagi agar dapat menyumbangkan barang-barang tersebut. Sila maklumkan sajian-sajian yang akan abiskita bawa di ruangan komen bagi mengelakkan ‘clash’ dan kekeliruan.

Pada mereka yang bukan beragama Islam, abiskita juga adalah dipelawa untuk hadir pada hari tersebut bagi memeriahkan majlis kitani ani. Kalau inda paham, mereka-mereka yang paham, atu sila terjemahkan meses ini kepada mereka.

Sekian, harap maklum.

The Annual SPE Dinner 2008

Hey everyone,
Tickets are now on sale for this year's SPE dinner introducing the speakers,

Barry Smith
Managing Director, Orion Petroleum Ltd


Janet Michalopoulos
Drilling and Completions Engineer, AGL Gas Developments Pty Ltd

This year, food is halal but in the case that you are vegetarian, please let us know. You can buy your tickets from SPE representatives from your year or buy them from me.

Hope to see you all there! *frown arah orang yang inda datang kerana sebab-sebab tertentu (seperti balik kampung)* XD

What: The Annual SPE Dinner & Awards Night 2008
Where: Brisbane Room, Sofitel Wentworth Hotel
When: Friday, 26th September 2008 at 7.00pm onwards
How much: $50 per person or buy a table of 5-8 and sit with your friends (please tell us if you want to do this)
Dress: Lounge suit/Evening dress
Looking forward to relinquishing duty,

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Place your votes: UNSW-SPE elections

Hey everyone,

An SPE student chapter representative will come into one of your classes tomorrow to get your votes to determine who will be in the 2009 UNSW-SPE student chapter. So, please vote! It's easy:
Step 1: Get a ballot from the nice SPE committee member. (No ballot, no vote heh heh)

Step 2: Place a number (1 to 5) next to the 5 persons you would like to have on next year's SPE commitee. '1' being the most preferred candidate and '5' being least preferred (but you still want them on the committee somehow) :)

Step 3: Hand back the ballot to the nice SPE committee member.

This year, I am pleased to announce that Fiqah, Zee and Leena are running for spots on the committee so show your support! I wish them the best of luck.

Your vice-prez (yang kan pencen),