Tuesday, June 05, 2007

UNSW Singapore Closes Down!

Old news, but i just found it!

Dodgy university, with the CAPEX theyre willing to splurge on the campus, youd expect them to be prepare to hold the fort for more than 3 months. No wonder they've been tight on the back in even giving us printers for the Petroleum School.



Dib said...

Its kinda ruined the reputation of our uni and other Australian universities.

Airul said...

I'm not too bothered on reputation now, matey. I've got a contract!

Ummi Hani said...

Talk about over expectations!! Must be smashed~ oh well.. the students are getting scholarships anyway.. =p~

Airul said...

Scholarship are given for only a year. the rest 3 years are going to be a pain!

Most of them also said if they wanted to go to UNSW Sydney, then they would gone there in the first place.. which is a clear point.

Boo You, UNSW! (that rhymes btw nyehehe)

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