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So how is everyone coping with the exam season? It may be a little late for this, but here are some little BIG tips on how you can cope well with the exams and everything..... insya Allah..
1. Print your exam timetable, if you haven't! Take note of exam venues, exam exact times and exam days.. and what things to bring to the exam hall and what not!
2. Time management. Know what to study for exams, give more attention and time to subjects that you have more difficulties with. Have a proper timetable for revision!
3. Surround yourself with greenery... or just.. nature. Somewhere peaceful and silent,so you can focus more (according to studies). A background to this statement....
"Children who live in greener environments have greater capacity for paying attention, says Kuo, and they're better able to delay gratification and inhibit impulses." - Frances E. Kuo University of Illinois.
Gary W. Evans, PhD, a professor of human-environment relations at Cornell University, studies the effect of noise pollution.In a study of first- and second-graders, for instance, he found that children attending a school with airplanes flying overhead scored 20 percent lower on word recognition tests.
Even small amounts of noise can be harmful. Evans has found that clerical workers exposed to conversation and other mild office noise showed higher stress levels and gave up on performance tests faster than those with quiet offices did.
4. Identify your distractions. If you're used to watching korean dramas, tv series.. it may be a good time to take a break from it (at least for the exam season). So... know your distractions, so you can focus more:) Insya Allah.
5. Jaga pemakanan, jaga masa tidur. Kesian perut tani kalau tani nda bagi ia makan (on another note, kesian jua kalau terlebih makan!). and kesian si otak kalau kami nda bagi ia berehat, di malam hari at least:)
6. And last but not least, turn to Allah, do not ever forget this.
Allah berfirman dalam Surah Al-Mu'minun, Ayat 1-2:
"Sesungguhnya berjayalah orang-orang yang beriman. Iaitu mereka yang khusyuk dalam solatnya."
Jadi kejayaan atu semuanya berbalik kepada Allah. Dalam musim exam ani, jangan lalaikan solat tani, jangan kurang berdoa, tapi banyak-banyak-banyak kan lagi doa tani. Perform solat hajat jika mampu.
Jangan lupa jua untuk niatkan belajar atau menuntut ilmu atu untuk Allah semata-mata.
Kalau mengusut atau merasa helpless, ingat lah bahawa Allah ada berfirman dan berjanji dalam Al Quran Surah Asy-Syarh, ayat 5-6 yang berbunyi:
"Maka sesungguhnya, bersama kesulitan ada kemudahan. Sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan ada kemudahan."
Kalau sedih, Allah pun ada berfirman dalam Surah At-Taubah, ayat 40 yang berbunyi:
"Janganlah engkau bersedih, sesungguhNya Allah bersama kita."
At times of distress, at times of despair, remember that Allah is always there for you:)
Redha, and bertawakkal lah dengan apa pun yang Allah berikan. Dan semua atu jangan lupa disertakan dengan usaha!:)
Allah suka orang yang berusaha bersungguh-sungguh (Hadis Riwayat At-Thabrani):
"Sesungguhnya Allah suka apabila sesiapa di antara kamu melakukan pekerjaan, dia melakukan dengan bersungguh-sungguh (memperbaiki dan mempertingkatkannya)."
So... would you not want to be someone whom Allah likes?:)
Thats all for now.. to all in UNSW and in UniSyd, we wish you all the best and bittaufiq wannajah ("Moga Allah beri petunjuk dan kejayaan.")
BASS self-proclaimed Exam Police 2013.
"Jadikanlah sabar dan shalat sebagai penolongmu. Dan sesungguhnya yang demikian itu sungguh berat, kecuali bagi orang-orang yang khusyu', (yaitu) orang-orang yang meyakini, bahwa mereka akan menemui Tuhannya, dan bahwa mereka akan kembali kepada-Nya " (Al-Baqarah 2:45-46)
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